Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blogging is this really for me?

Alright so I finally got around to feeling like I have something to contribute.  The contribution though is not necessarily designed for anyone but me actually.  There is some sort of perception when one creates a blog that you suddenly have to do it for "the community".  Along with that comes the perception that you have to create something that no one else is doing.  Then there's the perception that once you create it you have to keep it up.

I'm going to debunk these three perceptions because frankly I don't want to be controlled by them.

In the case of the first and second I think blogging is about the individual.  Its about what you want to write and in my case its about writing articles about games that I myself want to keep available to me.  To me.  Because I find the topic interesting.  It may have been duplicated elsewhere, it may not have much value, but its what I want to put down so I'll put it down.

As for the third well I tend to latch on to gaming topics in an infrequent and unpredictable manner.  I play a lot of games each week but many times I'm not that stimulated to actually create a written manifest about them.  What this means is, if you're stopping here on a frequent basis hoping for something new, well then you might be disappointed.  I'll add stuff here as I see fit when I see fit.

I am hopeful that some will find what I post to be useful but largely its for me.

So why do this?  In 2012 information technology has reached a point where access to data is important.  I write a lot of articles and musings about games I play.  A lot.  Most of the time its meant as a distraction and a way for me to think about deeper gaming concepts.  However these articles are usually stashed on a laptop somewhere, in a directory somewhere, and just not that well organized.

This blog will get me organized, provide the access I desire, and provide a way over time, to chronicle notes on my gaming experiences.

Anyway, if you're reading this you can't get those last few minutes of your life back but I do hope, since you dropped in, that there is something here of use to you.

Finally I am always interested in discussion on the topics I post.  Feel free to comment.


- Verm

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